Breaking Free from Local Government Procurement Hassles: Accessing People Speak
If you have ever been through the process of starting new enterprise software in your community, you are probably wary of going through it again. This process can be long, tedious, and intensely bureaucratic. Many of the communities that look at People Speak, and other software to serve the community, are understandably hesitant to move forward because of the procurement process and potential need to issue and process responses to the dreaded RFP.
The good news is that this process isn’t necessary for People Speak! Not a single one of our customers across the country has ever needed to go through the RFP process to use People Speak in our six years of operation. There are two simple and easy ways to start using People Speak immediately, without all the procurement hassle.
The SaaS route
Does your organization use a video conferencing service like Zoom, WebEx or Teams? Do you use Microsoft or Adobe products? Did you put out an RFP for those services? Of course not. These types of products are known as Software as a Service (SaaS).
Saas products are cloud based software that doesn’t require a contract to use. You simply pay a monthly fee and use it. If you stop wanting the service you stop paying. No hassle, no procurement.
People Speak is a SaaS product. Our customers subscribe by the month and can stop using the service whenever they like. Though some of our customers want a contract, we never require a contract or any time commitment. Everything is cloud based so nothing is internally hosted or requires any IT intervention or approval.
Sole Source
Even with the SaaS route, some cities still want a contract and approval from their procurement department for various reasons. Fear not, there is still an easy, hassle-free way to get People Speak: Sole Source
Cities can still avoid the harrowing procurement process when the product or service they are buying is the only one like it in the marketplace. As of this writing, and since our inception six years ago, People Speak is the only software that is specifically created to replicate the public hearing experience online and allow for management of and participation in asynchronous public hearings.
We can provide prospective clients with detailed analysis of the related fields of agenda management, town hall software, and others while clearly showing that People Speak is in an entirely unique category of product. Using one-of-a-kind software allows the sole source path of procurement.
Try a Free Trial!
Of course before you bother with any of this, you can just try People Speak for free. We allow anyone to use our software for up to 30 meetings without cost or obligation so feel free to start using the service now and wait until next year to tell procurement how easy it is to pay for!
Click here to book a free demo.